HAPPY NEW YEAR! This year, we are looking for volunteers in the local community who may have skills that would be hugely helpful with regard to our day to day operations at our two centres in Runcorn and Wallasey. For more information, please contact info@sticknstep.org or visit our volunteering page

We are pleased to announce the launch of our Big Give online fundraising campaign, which will start on Tuesday 3rd December and run until 12pm on Tuesday 10th December.  For this one week in December, all online donations up to the value of £12,000 will be doubled, thanks to the generous support of Steve Morgan Foundation and Gould Family Charitable Trust.

To get the fundraising off to a fantastic start, Merseycats, The Rock & Roll Children’s Charity is contributing an incredible £2,000, which will instantly double to £4,000 through the online campaign. Merseycats has supported local children’s charities throughout the North West since 1989 and hosts band nights every Thursday from 8pm at The Oldy Club, Aintree, welcoming new attendees every week for just a £2 donation. 

To enable us to maximise the funding received during this week of giving, we have several events planned with the support of our local communities across the North West:

Friday 29th November

Sunday 1st December

Monday 2nd December

Tuesday 3rd December

Online campaign link: - https://donate.biggive.org/campaign/a056900002TPSRoAAP

Netty Doyle, our Regional Fundraiser and Family Liaison Officer, says,

 #BigGive2024 is a pivotal campaign for our charity and an ideal time to ensure every fundraising effort has the maximum impact on disabled children in your local area. We are seeking support from our wonderful local community in the way of small prize donations, or perhaps hosting a mini-fundraiser, such as a quiz night, coffee morning or raffle. Some further schools or local workplaces might want to host a “Go Green for Cerebral Palsy” day in return for a voluntary donation.


If any local businesses, community groups or individuals would like to get involved, please contact Netty@sticknstep.org or call 0151 638 0888.  

Double your money for Stick ‘n’ Step with the Big Give

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Double your money for Stick ‘n’ Step with the Big Give