If you think you have what it takes to become Stick ‘n’ Step’s Strictly dance champion 2025 and you love the idea of taking part in a glitzy and glamorous black tie event, to help raise much-needed funds for our charity, please call Norma on 07711 133 284, or email fundraising@sticknstep.org. No dance experience is necessary!

Our 19th annual golf day will be held next month at Pryors Hayes Golf Club in Cheshire. Taking place on Monday 6th May at the course on Willington Road in Chester, this popular four ball team event is open to all and for all levels of ability.

The day includes a barbecue and evening entertainment for all participants and is suitable for all the family. There will be a number of competitions during the day, including the ever-popular ‘hole in one’ contest, with a prize of a motor bike. Hole sponsorship for each of the 18 holes is also available for any interested companies.

Find out more about the event here https://www.sticknstep.org/events/stick-n-step-charity-golf-day/ and contact sarah@sticknstep.org for more information about sponsorship.

Are you a keen golfer?

We are thrilled to have been selected as the chosen charity this year for Runcorn Golf Club and Carus Green Golf Club. Are you a keen golfer? Is your golf club captain looking for a charity to support? If so, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact our fundraising team on fundraising@sticknstep.org.

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