Can your workplace, child's school or even your local shop take a collection tin for Stick 'n' Step? Collection tins are a quick and simple way to help raise funds for our essential Conductive Education sessions šŸ’™
Please contact if you would like more information.

This year we were thrilled to be involved in The Big Give Christmas Challenge, with the opportunity of unlocking up to £8,250 worth of match-funding, thanks to The Gould Family Charitable Trust and The Reed Foundation, who pledged to match-fund monies raised. 

This was our first ever experience participating in The Big Give Christmas Challenge. Due to the donations from our dedicated supporters and local community groups, which included Clare Mount Specialist Sports College, Meadow Community Primary School, ISL Mersey Gardens and Carus Green Golf Club, we unlocked all of the available match-funding and received a further £2,445 worth of donations.

Inclusive of Gift Aid, our overall fundraising income during The Big Give amounted to £21,265, a fabulous result. This is enough to provide places for three children for a year here at Stick ‘n’ Step. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone involved.

To find out how you can support Stick ‘n’ Step, either as a local business, community group or an individual, please contact or call 0151 638 0888.  

The Big Give

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