If you think you have what it takes to become Stick ‘n’ Step’s Strictly dance champion 2025 and you love the idea of taking part in a glitzy and glamorous black tie event, to help raise much-needed funds for our charity, please call Norma on 07711 133 284, or email fundraising@sticknstep.org. No dance experience is necessary!

Stick ‘n’ Step will take your comments seriously and in the case of complaints do all we can to ensure that the situation is resolved to your satisfaction.

Step One

If you are unhappy with the service you have received (with an individual in our organisation, or with the organisation as a whole) the first stage will be for you to try to resolve the problem informally with a member of staff.

If you make contact in person or by phone, make a note of the name of the person you speak to. If a solution is offered at this point, make a note of this as well. If you are not satisfied or if you would prefer not to speak to someone who was involved in the situation, then go straight to step two.

Step Two

If your complaint is not resolved through the above actions, the next step is to make a formal complaint. Please send your complaint in writing to the Stick ‘n’ Step’s Senior Management Team:

By post: Senior Management Team, Stick ‘n’ Step, 3 Croxteth Avenue, Wallasey, CH44 5UL

Email: feedback@sticknstep.org      

Please mark your correspondence as ‘Private and Confidential’ and provide as much detail as possible. Please provide details of how you would prefer to be contacted. If you are not satisfied with our response, go to step three.

Step Three

If you are dissatisfied with our response you can request for the complaint to be investigated. The Chair of Trustees and another Trustee, will investigate your complaint, this may involve an investigation meeting with you and any other people involved in the situation. A full written report will be sent and will include necessary explanations and/or steps that will be taken to ensure the problem does not recur.

We will aim to send the report to you within 10 working days of an investigation meeting, and will keep you informed of progress.

If you are not satisfied with our response, go to step four.

Please contact us to see the full version of this procedure, using the form below