If you think you have what it takes to become Stick ‘n’ Step’s Strictly dance champion 2025 and you love the idea of taking part in a glitzy and glamorous black tie event, to help raise much-needed funds for our charity, please call Norma on 07711 133 284, or email fundraising@sticknstep.org. No dance experience is necessary!

Thank you for thinking about leaving a Gift in your Will to Stick ‘n’ Step.

Having a Will in place gives you peace of mind and ensures that you look after your loved ones when the time comes. No one knows what the future holds, and our circumstances change throughout our lives. By including a Gift in your Will to Stick ‘n’ Step you will leave your own lasting legacy to improve the lives and futures of local children and their families.

Once you have looked after those closest to you, it’s amazing the difference even a small gift or percentage of what you own can make.

Every gift in every will - however large or small - has a real impact and ensures we can support our children and young people in the very best way possible. So even if you leave 1% to a charity, those closest to you will still inherit 99% of what you own.

We understand that there is a lot to consider when you are planning your Will and we are very grateful for your consideration. If there is anything more you would like to know about Gifts in Wills or you would like to request a Gifts in Wills brochure please contact our team at fundraising@sticknstep.org or call 0151 638 0888

For any further information about Gifts in Wills or to request a Gifts in Wills brochure please contact our Fundraising Team fundraising@sticknstep.org or call 0151 638 0888. Thank you for your support.


Why do I need a Will?

Over 50% of UK adults do not write a Will. This means that everything they own will be distributed by a law which was made many years ago, and is not always right for many people, especially those who are not married but live together, people who have second families and people who want to give some money to charity. Writing a Will allows an individual to set out their wishes on who they would want to benefit from their estate.

If I have a Will do I need to update it?

It is sensible to review your Will periodically, to make sure it still reflects your wishes. Births and deaths, and changing assets, can all be reasons to consider whether your Will currently reflects your wishes. Marriage and divorce revoke previous Wills written, so ensure your Will is both up to date and valid.

What will my Gift help with?

By including a Gift in your Will you will leave your own lasting legacy to improve the lives and futures of local children and their families.

You will help families like Oliver’s whose Mum Siobhan said:

“Stick ‘n’ Step was the first regular, structured programme that Oliver had access to. I really didn’t know what to expect but I was desperate for something to give us hope and make us feel we were doing something and being supported to help Oliver develop.

I know when Oliver has been reviewed by health professionals, they are surprised at some of the things he is doing and I attribute much of that to the weekly, regular sessions at Stick ‘n’ Step.  The classroom team helped me to realise that Oliver did understand what was being said, and I feel that because the programme is tailored to his needs and those of his peers with similar needs, he wasn’t being left behind or ignored just because he couldn’t do the same things as other children. It’s really given him confidence; he looks forward to going and he’s made great friends. Stick ‘n’ Step has given us hope. The other children and families who attend Stick ‘n’ Step have become friends and the people that work with Oliver have become like a special family. Our Stick ‘n’ Step family."


Sofia’s family:

Kim told us that when Sofia was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, none of the family knew anything about the condition and so it felt quite daunting. She said “Finding Stick ‘n’ Step is the best thing we could have hoped for. When you walk in here you know that every single member of staff is working together as a team to improve the lives of all the children. There is a welcoming, positive, caring and nurturing approach to everything they do. Stick ‘n’ Step has provided a whole new dimension to Sofia and her wider family. She is not spending all her time living in a non-inclusive world, when she comes to Stick ‘n’ Step she is integrated with other children just like her. Also, she is not just learning new skills, but there is dedicated educational time built into every session. As a family we just can’t thank you all enough for everything you are doing to help Sofia improve her mobility, confidence and independence.”
